The animated feature film will be released in cinemas in 2027, BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company said on Wednesday. Brumm will write and direct the film, ...
It was a bittersweet day for Bluey fans, with news of a feature length movie coming as creator Joe Brumm signalled he may be stepping away from the series.
Following the global theatrical release, it will stream on Disney+. Written and directed by Bluey creator Joe Brumm, the film is a Ludo Studio production in ...
Bluey creator Joe Brumm has announced he will step away from the globally adored animated series to focus on the franchise's first-ever feature film, ...
Bluey creator Joe Brumm has said his focus going forward will be on the Bluey feature film, to be released in 2027.
Bluey will take the big screen in her first-ever animated feature film with Ludo Studio, BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company,
Queensland's beloved blue heeler, Bluey will soon make a big screen debut in an animated feature film made in Queensland. BBC Studios and the Walt Disney ...