Coles profits

2024 - 8 - 28

Woolworths & Coles Make Bank While Aussies Are Left in the Lurch!

Coles Group - income inequality - Oxfam Australia - profits - windfall tax - Woolworths

Oxfam Australia raises the alarm on inequality as supermarket giants rake in profits. Is it time for a tax revolution?

As the sun sets on the financial year, Coles Group and Woolworths have unveiled their impressive profit reports for 2024, showcasing figures that sparkle brighter than a dazzling diamond. These supermarket titans have clearly defied the odds, raking in profits that leave many Australians scratching their heads in disbelief. While we all appreciate a quality frozen pizza and fresh produce, the growing inequalities in our society make it hard to celebrate these figures without raising an eyebrow. Oxfam Australia has hopped into action, urging the government to step in and implement higher taxes on these affluent giants.

Oxfam’s call for action comes at a time when many everyday Australians are feeling the squeeze from rising costs of living. While Coles and Woolworths bask in their wealth, the average family is grappling with skyrocketing grocery bills and mounting financial pressures. It begs the question: Is it fair for corporate giants to pull in profits hand over fist while the rest of the country struggles to make ends meet? It’s a classic tale of David versus Goliath; except in this case, it’s more like David is trying to stretch his budget at the supermarket while Goliath is rolling in dough, quite literally.

Many consumers have expressed their frustrations around the increasing price of essentials, implying that these profit margins come at a painful cost to families trying to get by. While we love our snacks and Netflix binges, it’s disheartening to see record profits being celebrated by supermarkets. Oxfam’s compelling argument is that higher taxes on these profits could lead to valuable investment in social programs, fostering a society where all can thrive, not just the few.

But it's not all doom and gloom! Woolworths and Coles are not only cash cows when it comes to profits; they also play a crucial role in the Australian economy, providing jobs and contributing to local communities. So, while the profits stack up, let’s not forget that these retailers have a responsibility to give back and support the fabric of our society.

Did you know that Woolworths first opened its doors in 1924 and has since grown into one of Australia’s largest supermarket chains? Meanwhile, Coles, a household name since 1914, has its roots in Melbourne and boasts a storied history of evolution. As we look to the future, will these giants heed the call for change? Stay tuned, because the outcome could reshape the supermarket landscape in Australia for generations to come!

Woolworths and Coles profits must be taxed, as Australians struggle ... (News Hub)

As Coles Group and Woolworths announce their full-year profits for 2024, Oxfam Australia is calling for urgent action to address the growing inequality in ...

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