Parramatta Eels

2024 - 6 - 15

Parramatta Eels in Hot Water: Sin-Binned for Ugly Tackles

Pancake Tackle - Parramatta Eels - Rugby League - Sin-Binning

Shocking incidents and close calls at the Roosters vs. Eels game leave fans on the edge of their seats! Find out what happened.

The recent clash between the Parramatta Eels and the Roosters had fans gasping as Eels enforcer Kelma Tuilagi was sin-binned for a dangerous lifting tackle. Described as being 'flipped over like a pancake,' the incident raised eyebrows and tempers alike. Tuilagi narrowly escaped a send-off for his spear tackle on Roosters' player Lindsay Collins, making the game even more intense.

The tension escalated further as Jake Waerea-Hargreaves from the Roosters was also sin-binned for his involvement in the heated match. The dramatic events on the field had spectators holding their breath, wondering what would happen next. With players pushing boundaries and emotions running high, the game reached a boiling point that kept everyone on the edge of their seats.

In conclusion, the intense showdown between the Roosters and the Eels highlighted the fierce competition and high stakes in the NRL. Fans were left buzzing about the controversial tackles and the tight game score, eagerly awaiting the next face-off between these powerhouse teams.

Did you know that the Parramatta Eels have a history of thrilling matches and passionate fan base? The team's commitment to excellence and adrenaline-inducing gameplay have solidified their reputation as one of the most exciting teams in the NRL.

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Image courtesy of "Fox Sports"

'Flipped over like a pancake': Eels enforcer sin-binned for ugly lifting ... (Fox Sports)

'Flipped over like a pancake': Eels enforcer sin-binned for ugly lifting tackle.

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Image courtesy of "The Roar"

Tuilagi lucky to avoid spear tackle send-off, JWH binned after ... (The Roar)

Eels forward Kelma Tuilagi was lucky to avoid being sent off for a scary spear tackle on Lindsay Collins in the Roosters' crucial 28-18โ€ฆ

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