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Dunsborough Police Crack Down on Drink-Driving: What You Need to Know

drink-driving - Dunsborough - police - road safety - St. John's Volunteer

Dunsborough police take a stand against drink-driving. Stay informed to navigate the crackdown!

The Dunsborough Police Department is taking a tough stance on drink-driving, with Officer in charge Sgt Jon Adams expressing frustration over the prevalence of this dangerous behavior. Sgt Adams has declared that the police team will intensify efforts to combat drink and drug driving in the upcoming weeks, sending a clear message to the community. With a heavy focus on enforcement, drivers in Dunsborough can expect increased vigilance and stricter consequences for those caught breaking the law.

As the authorities gear up for a crackdown, the streets of Dunsborough are abuzz with talk of heightened police presence and the need for responsible driving. Residents and visitors alike are urged to prioritize safety and adhere to traffic laws to avoid facing the repercussions of driving under the influence. The community is reminded to plan ahead, use designated drivers, or opt for alternative transportation options to ensure everyone's well-being.

In a town where scenic drives and weekend getaways are a way of life, the initiative against drink-driving serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety. By raising awareness and taking decisive action, Dunsborough police aim to create a safer environment for all road users. So, buckle up, stay sober, and drive responsibly to contribute to a culture of responsible driving in Dunsborough.

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Image courtesy of "Busselton-Dunsborough Times"

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