Al Jazeera

2024 - 4 - 19

Former US Forces Leader Believes Russia Lacks Power to Crush Ukraine, Urges Western Support

Ben Hodges - Conflict in Ukraine - Russia - Ukraine - US General

Ex-US forces leader Ben Hodges doubts Russia's ability to defeat Ukraine and calls for more Western aid. Will the West step up?

Amidst the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Ben Hodges, a former US forces leader in Europe, has cast doubt on Russia's capability to decisively defeat Ukraine. Hodges emphasized the importance of Western powers overcoming their apprehensions and providing extensive support to Ukraine. His statement signifies a call for solidarity and strategic backing to strengthen Ukraine's position in the war.

Hodges' experience and expertise in military affairs contribute weight to his assertion that Russia may not possess the strength to completely overpower Ukraine. His perspective highlights the significance of international alliances in shaping the outcome of conflicts and underlines the need for unified efforts to safeguard Ukraine's sovereignty.

As tensions escalate, the debate intensifies over the extent of Western intervention in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Hodges' stance adds fuel to the discourse, prompting a reevaluation of the role of Western powers in the crisis. The question remains: will the West heed Hodges' call for increased support and assistance to Ukraine?

In a final note, Hodges' assessment serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics at play in global conflicts. The power balance between nations, combined with strategic alliances, plays a pivotal role in shaping outcomes. As the world watches the unfolding events in Ukraine, the impact of Western decisions on the conflict's trajectory becomes increasingly crucial.

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Russia doesn't have capability to knock Ukraine out of war: Ex-US ... (

Ben Hodges, who led US forces in Europe, says Western powers should overcome their fears of supporting Ukraine.

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