Harmony Day

2024 - 3 - 18

29 Cultures Unite at Jesmond Public for Harmony Day Celebration

harmony week Cultural Diversity - Harmony Day - Jesmond Public School - harmony week

Check out how students from 29 different cultures came together to celebrate Harmony Day at Jesmond Public School!

Jesmond Public School was alive with cultural diversity as students from 29 different cultures joined hands to celebrate Harmony Day. The vibrant event, filled with traditional music, dance, and food, showcased the richness of the school's multicultural community. From Indian sarees to Chinese lanterns, the school was a colorful mosaic of traditions. Students actively participated in sharing their heritage, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among peers.

As part of the festivities, a special program was organized where students presented performances highlighting their cultural backgrounds. The stage lit up with a mesmerizing display of talent, ranging from African drumming to Indigenous Australian dances. The audience was enthralled by the showcase of talents and the spirit of togetherness that permeated the air.

Ending on a high note, the school principal emphasized the importance of embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity. She commended the students for their efforts in creating a harmonious environment where respect and acceptance reigned supreme. The event concluded with a pledge to continue fostering unity and celebrating diversity throughout the school year.

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Image courtesy of "NSW Department of Education"

Every day Harmony Day at Jesmond Public (NSW Department of Education)

Students from 29 cultures celebrated Harmony Day at Jesmond Public School. Sven Wright reports.

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