International Women's Day

2024 - 3 - 4

Empowering Women: A Closer Look at Progress on International Women's Day

international women's day ACTPS - gender equality - gender pay gap - International Women's Day - women in leadership - international women's day

Discover how the ACTPS is leading the way with a record low gender pay gap and increased women in leadership roles! #InternationalWomensDay #GenderEquality

Empowering women and promoting gender equality are at the forefront of the agenda on International Women's Day. In a significant milestone, the ACTPS Senior Executive Service now sees women making up 56 per cent of its composition. This surge in female representation showcases a remarkable shift towards gender balance in leadership roles.

Moreover, the record low gender pay gap is a testament to the ongoing efforts towards achieving equality in the workplace. The strides made in closing this gap signal a positive trajectory towards fair remuneration and recognition of women's contributions.

The increased representation of women in leadership not only empowers individuals but also sets a precedent for future generations. By breaking barriers and challenging stereotypes, these women pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

In the journey towards equality, every step matters. The progress made by the ACTPS serves as an inspiration for organizations worldwide to prioritize gender inclusivity and eliminate pay disparities. Celebrating International Women's Day is not just a one-day event but a continuous commitment to fostering a culture of equality and empowerment for all.

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Image courtesy of "ACT Government"

Celebrating International Women's Day (ACT Government)

Women now comprise 56 per cent of the ACTPS Senior Executive Service. A record low gender pay gap. This increased representation of women in leadership has ...

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