Liz Truss News

2022 - 10 - 20

Boris Johnson -- Rishi Sunak -- Truss -- UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson - Rishi Sunak - Truss - UK Prime Minister

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Liz Truss joins ranks of shortest-serving world leaders (The Guardian)

At just 45 days, Truss holds the shortest UK premiership record, but she at least outstrips some other leaders.

Among them, the unfortunate Vira Bahu I, king of Polonnaruwa (in present day Sri Lanka), who was assassinated in 1196 on the same day he succeeded his father. He was, apparently king only between the time of his father’s abdication signature and that of his own, both of which were on the same document. However, the country rose in favour of the first-in-line, Mary, who was Edward’s half-sister and the daughter of Henry VIII with Catherine of Aragon, and a Catholic. His position was disputed and he made his accession conditional on the decision of the new provisional government in Russia. He was never confirmed as emperor, and, after the Russian Revolution of 1917, was imprisoned and murdered. He took the oath on 4 March, a cold, wet day during which he rode on horseback and delivered possibly the longest inaugural address in American history, taking about two hours.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after weeks of criticism and ... (NPR)

Truss' announcement follows weeks of criticism from her opponents and members of own her Conservative Party, and the resignation of two of her top Cabinet ...

Braverman was replaced by another Conservative whom Truss had pushed out of her cabinet just six weeks earlier when she took office. Within days, Hunt had almost entirely canceled the remainder of Truss' economic program, and as opponents inside and outside her Conservative Party began calling for her to step down, another senior cabinet member, interior minister Suella Braverman, was herself forced to resign for sending a sensitive document from a personal email account. A series of significant missteps meant that much of the political vision she outlined during her campaign for leader was ditched after seriously adverse reactions from financial markets.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss announces resignation after a month ... (ABC News)

After weeks of plummeting opinion polls and economic turmoil, Liz Truss bows to pressure from her own MPs to step down from the leadership.

I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party," she said. "So we can't have a revolving door of chaos, we can't have another experiment at the top of the Tory party." "This is not just a soap opera at the top of the Tory party — it's doing huge damage to our economy and to the reputation of our country," the Labour leader said. "In even the brief time that I have been here, it has been very clear that there is much to do, in terms of delivering on the priorities of the British people." She will remain as prime minister until a leadership election is completed within the next week to find her replacement, and there's speculation Boris Johnson is considering a bid to return to the top job. - The Conservative Party is expected to select a new leader by the end of next week

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Image courtesy of "The Australian Financial Review"

British Prime Minister Liz Truss quits after six weeks of chaos (The Australian Financial Review)

As Liz Truss succumbs to the turmoil, becoming the shortest-serving prime minister in UK history, the Tories give themselves just a week to install a ...

Bookmakers put their best odds on [ Rishi Sunak, the former chancellor]( and runner-up to Ms Truss in the recent leadership contest. She was forced to repeatedly backtrack on the plans, and ultimately had to sack her chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng last Friday. Connect with Hans on [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) It was clear Ms Truss no longer had any kind of control over the party or government. I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I would resign,” she said during a terse statement. He has worked as a reporter, editor and policy adviser in Sydney, Canberra, Hanoi and London. This time there will be an online vote lasting no more than two or three days. The party has set a high nomination threshold for the week-long ballot, to ensure no more than three candidates can compete. Canning died of pneumonia while in office. He is now reportedly rushing back to London. Media reports suggested he was likely to run. She will remain in Downing Street as caretaker PM until a new leader is chosen.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Iceberg lettuce in blond wig outlasts Liz Truss (The Guardian)

Supermarket salad is crowned winner of bizarre competition that attracted global media attention.

The lettuce was inundated with messages of congratulations, in a chat box beside the video. The caption changed from “Day Seven: Will Liz Truss outlast his lettuce?” to “The Lettuce Outlasted Liz Truss”. To add to Truss’s humiliating resignation, the lettuce won.

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation UK"

Liz Truss resigns as prime minister: the five causes of her downfall ... (The Conversation UK)

The shortest serving prime minister in British history ran into trouble even before taking office.

[symptomatic]( of a far bigger issue. Her [sidelining]( of the Office for Budgetary Responsibility being a case in point. [the dangers of the British constitution]( If anything the last month has exposed a [vacuum at the centre of British politics]( about ambition, imagination and vision. The most important form of intelligence for a prime minister is not therefore intellectual (we have experts) or financial (they have advisers) but [emotional]( The overall effect was a new prime minister who was badly misaligned with both the public and her [parliamentary party]( The [optics were all wrong](, as any first-year politics student would know. [people business]( [walked away]( from No.10 there was a sense in the United Kingdom that the time had come for stability, competence and the benefits of a boring politician who could steady the ship of state. [self-mutilating mini-budget]( was announced. She has pulled off arguably the biggest coup in British political history by making Johnson’s tenure [look boring by comparison]( But the cracks were emerging even before Truss took office as a direct result of the way the Conservative party elects its leaders.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Morning mail: Liz Truss resigns, Thorpe's undisclosed relationship ... (The Guardian)

Friday: Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak are among the runners to replace Liz Truss, who will become her country's shortest-lasting leader.

And the Age says that Victoria’s three remaining coal-fired power plants are [likely to close]( years earlier than expected. [“cannot deliver the mandate]( on which I was elected by the Conservative party”. Truss’s term was an [“ill-fated ideological experiment”]( that leaves her party’s reputation further damaged, writes Pippa Crear. Labour leader [Keir Starmer has called]( for an immediate general election, but the Conservatives are [focused on choosing a new leader ]( Boris Johnson, Penny Mordaunt and Rishi Sunak in the early running. And when they’re exposed, it’s very funny!” “When cheaters prosper, we all do. Greens senator Lidia Thorpe’s failure to declare a possible perceived conflict of interest in her relationship with a former bikie is “disappointing”, according to the then deputy chair of parliament’s law enforcement committee. The foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, will [has revealed]( Liz Truss has resigned as UK prime minister and will step down after a week-long emergency contest to find her successor. Will this see the return of Boris Johnson? UK prime minister Liz Truss will go down in history as her country’s shortest-lasting leader after bowing to the near-inevitable and saying she will step down.

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Image courtesy of "The Sydney Morning Herald"

Campaign to bring back Boris Johnson threatens to derail ... (The Sydney Morning Herald)

Rishi Sunak has emerged as the early favourite to become Britain's next PM after Liz Truss resigned. But the race now threatens to be overshadowed by a ...

“I thank Prime Minister Liz Truss for her partnership on a range of issues including holding Russia accountable for its war against Ukraine,” he said. Former British prime minister Theresa May called for MPs to compromise as they started the process of selecting a new leader. They do not have a mandate to put the country through yet another experiment; Britain is not their personal fiefdom to run how they wish,” he said. And we set out a vision for a low-tax, high-growth economy - that would take advantage of the freedoms of Brexit,” she said. After MPs have reduced the list to two, the 170,000 Conservative Party members will vote online for the next leader. I will remain as prime minister until a successor has been chosen,” she said.

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Image courtesy of "SBS"

This lettuce with a wig outlasted UK Prime Minister Liz Truss (SBS)

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has been beaten by a head of lettuce in a 10-day competition to see how long she would last in power.

He had been tutor to Prince George, later George III, and rose on his royal connections, but fell foul of infighting particularly in the wake of an uppopular Cider Tax, and resigned in April 1763. He resigned in March 1783, pressed by the opposition after falling out with colleagues over reforms. The champion of Catholic emancipation was also famous for fighting a duel when foreign minister.

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UK Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after only six weeks in top job (

Liz Truss has resigned just six weeks into the job of the UK's prime minister, making hers the shortest term ever.

The stunt echoed a comment at the other end of Britain’s journalistic spectrum. Party members and Conservative lawmakers are expected to be given a say in the vote. Approval ratings for her and the Conservative Party collapsed. In a column published last week titled “The Iceberg Lady”, the Economist magazine described Truss as having “the shelf-life of a lettuce”. A new leadership election will be completed by next Friday, October 28. Moments later, as viewer numbers hit 21,000, “God Save the King” rang out as a hand reached across the table and set Truss’s photo on its back and the caption “The lettuce has outlasted Liz Truss” appeared. It later expanded the tableau, adding a wig, a face and grasping hands to the vegetable, as well as two British flags, a pasty on a plate and a red mug bearing the legend “Keep Calm and Carry On”, a slogan used to raise morale in Britain during World War II. To the strains of Britain’s national anthem, a national newspaper has declared a lettuce the victor in a race to see if it could outlast Liz Truss, after the under-fire prime minister resigned. The tabloid Daily Star set up a live feed on Friday showing the unrefrigerated iceberg next to a photo of Truss, asking readers: “Which wet lettuce will last longer?” Truss, who had said on Wednesday she was a “fighter and not a quitter”, told the mass of journalists gathered in Downing Street that she realised she could no longer deliver on the promises that won her the Conservative leadership. “I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party,” said Truss, who was supported only by her husband with her aides and loyal ministers noticeably absent. Speaking outside the door of her Number 10 Downing Street office on Thursday, Truss accepted that she had lost the faith of her party and said she would step down next week, becoming the shortest-serving prime minister in British history.

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Image courtesy of "SBS"

Liz Truss quits after six chaotic weeks as UK prime minister (SBS)

Liz Truss has announced her resignation just six crisis-filled weeks in the role, the shortest tenure as prime minister in UK history.

The face of the 2016 Brexit campaign has loomed large over politics since he became London mayor in 2008. Asked if the party could rebuild its reputation from this point, he added: "Never in a million years." One of the most contentious issues facing the Conservatives is how they elect a new leader after the party's 170,000 members chose Ms Truss over the wishes of its elected MPs at Westminster. "So (it's) right and proper she should go." Many Conservative politicians say that cannot be allowed to happen again. The pound rallied as she spoke.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

The Loop: Liz Truss resignation means UK facing third prime ... (ABC News)

What Australia is searching for and all the news that happened while you snoozed: This is The Loop, your quick catch-up for this morning's stories.

"The leader of the Greens should actually be explaining why it seems that people alerted his office to this conflict and no further action was taken. That is the issue here," she says. "The legal history of the January 2015 attacks is therefore over. By Kelsie Iorio

Gone in 44 days - Liz Truss resigns as British PM - InDaily (InDaily)

Liz Truss says she will resign as British prime minister, brought down just six weeks into the job by an economic program that shattered investor confidence ...

Please click below to help InDaily continue to uncover the facts. Party members and Conservative lawmakers are expected to be given a say in the vote. Approval ratings for her and the Conservative Party collapsed. Your contribution goes directly to helping our journalists uncover the facts. A new leadership election will be completed by next Friday, October 28. Truss, who had said on Wednesday she was a “fighter and not a quitter”, told the mass of journalists gathered in Downing Street that she realised she could no longer deliver on the promises that won her the Conservative leadership.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

9 Leadership Lessons From Liz Truss' Brief Tenure As Prime ... (Forbes)

Despite Liz Truss' record-setting brief tenure as prime minister of the U.K.—or because of it—there are several leadership lessons that corporate executives ...

“Leadership is not about you as a leader. “Listen to what your people have to say because their perspective is more valuable than you think. “The clarity of vision was ultimately her demise—she lacked a plan that could pass the laugh test in Parliament. “The thing about leaders is that they are always being watched and scrutinized. It's about the people who will be affected by your decision,” Kane commented. “Too great a change made too quickly, and your followers lose track of your core platform. And yet, if a leader changes too cautiously or too slow, your followers may deem you irrelevant,” he predicted. “She placed too much weight on the free-market ideology, which everybody else around her disapproves of. Moving too quickly without the input of experts or stakeholders demonstrates a lack of restraint and leads to unnecessary risk-taking. It shouldn't be about an experiment of a certain ideology. Leaders need a steady course, not a turnaround. Backtracking on decisions causes confusion and confusion creates panic in the markets,” Rosenberg observed,

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Image courtesy of "6PR"

UK correspondent lashes Liz Truss resignation as British PM (6PR)

The chaos of her six-week leadership saw the pound sink, mortgage rates jump and yesterday allegations of Tory MPs being bullied to vote for her in the House of ...

“She’s actually worse than I thought she was going to be … What a country. British Prime Minister Liz Truss has announced her resignation, making her the shortest-serving prime minister in UK history.

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