Obi-Wan Kenobi' Episode 5

2022 - 6 - 15

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar"

Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 5 review: "Makes the entire show feel ... (GamesRadar)

Obi-Wan Kenobi has ticked off several Star Wars boxes so far: Tatooine, a princess prison break, and a Vader rampage. What next? The Empire Strikes Back, ...

Obi-Wan finally steps up as a leader – the death of the Jedi on Tatooine in the premiere clearly playing on his mind – and he makes plans to get those on the Path to safety. Finally, Reva – having been defeated – is reduced to a scared child, her eyes flickering with the same sort of panic as the night of Anakin’s youngling massacre in the Jedi Temple. The Empire, though, is in hot pursuit, with Vader and new Grand Inquisitor Reva knocking at the door – a setup not too far removed from the Resistance’s getaway on Crait in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It’s like poetry. Even better, it gives Hayden Christensen a long-overdue prequel redemption arc; his character has gone from being maligned to beloved – and it’s heartwarming to see just how much fun he has in the scene. It is episode 5 after all – and it’s an entry that feels like a strong return to form, complete with a scene that makes the entire show worth it. It becomes abundantly clear that student and teacher are set to walk down very different paths ("There are other ways to fight," Obi-Wan snaps at a crestfallen Anakin) and it’s a great piece of character work that really drills down into what makes their relationship tick – and fall apart.

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Image courtesy of "TVLine"

Obi-Wan Kenobi Recap: Episode 5 Flashes Back to Hayden ... (TVLine)

Episode 5 of 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' featured flashbacks of Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen as master and apprentice — read our recap.

On the transport, Roken delivers the bad news to Obi-Wan that the hyperdrive is down and the Empire is on their tail. As Vader stares daggers at the escaping rebels, Reva approaches him from behind, a hand on her lightsaber ready to make her move. Vader arrives just as it takes to the air, then Force-drags the massive aircraft back to the ground. Tala’s plan works and the rebels gather at the hangar, waiting for Leia to fix the doors so they can fly out. He orders the rebel base to be locked down, and Reva uses Lola — the droid she hijacked with a tracker — to close the hangar roof and trap everyone inside. Leia volunteers to craw inside and check the vents/wiring, and receives Obi-Wan’s approval when Roken objects to her involvement.

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Image courtesy of "CNET"

'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Episode 5 Recap: The Empire Strikes Back (CNET)

The Jedi has tapped into the Force again and saved Princess Leia, but may have played right into Imperial Inquisitor Reva's hands.

He might be a bit delayed, since their hyperdrive is broken and Imperial forces are right on their tail. Conveniently that's just enough information for her to figure out that Luke Skywalker is Vader's son -- probably should have changed his name -- and find the 10-year-old on the desert world. Except sneaky Inquisitor Reva ( Moses Ingram), aka the Third Sister, planted a tracker on Leia's cute droid LOLA, so the Empire can follow them.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Episode 5: This Is Where The Fun Begins (Forbes)

We get an extended sequence that has him lightsaber training with Obi-Wan back in what seems like maybe post Attack of the Clones, pre-Revenge of the Sith, ...

But overall, yes, this is an episode that finally seemed to live up to the promise of bringing Anakin/Vader back for this, and I’m definitely not opposed to the Hayden Christensen suggestion that Vader could have his own series during this era. I thought outside of the Vader fight it did suffer from some awkward choreography during the Stormtrooper invasion of the hideout (a frequent sticking point for this series), and I was not terribly interested in five scenes of Leia fiddling around with wires. I guess the idea was to work her way up and land an audience with Lord Vader for a chance to literally stab him in the back, but…that does not go so well, as you might expect.

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Image courtesy of "Game Revolution"

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5: How is the Grand Inquisitor Still Alive? (Game Revolution)

In Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 5 we learn that the Grand Inquisitor is still alive and not dead. So how did the character survive?

While a relatively obscure bit of Star Wars trivia, the Pau’ans having two stomachs rather than one has previously been raised by fans as the reason behind his survival. The Grand Inquisitor likely survived as a result of his race having two stomachs. Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 5 featured the return of the Grand Inquisitor, who was presumed dead after Reva seemed to kill him with a lightsaber earlier in the series.

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