Western Australia Party

2022 - 5 - 21

Post cover
Image courtesy of "ABC News"

West Australians line up at polls around state but about half of voters ... (ABC News)

Key points: About half of all eligible West Australian voters cast their votes ahead of time; Premier Mark McGowan was heckled at his polling booth; West ...

In the electorate of Swan โ€” where the Liberal party holds the seat by 3.2 pe cent โ€” voters queued at the polls, waiting for the doors to open at 8am. "What you don't want to be is forgotten, and one of the good things hopefully that will come out of this is more balance in Western Australia," he said. "The good thing about the mandates is we got to the highest vaccination rates in the world, the best health and economic outcomes in the world and I think sometimes that is not well understood," the Premier said. Labor has sought to capitalise on the popularity of WA Premier Mark McGowan on the campaign trail, with the state leader appearing side by side with Anthony Albanese during his visit west in the final week of the campaign. However, with the rest of the country up to two hours ahead of the West, voters in this state have the final say, which could be crucial in the outcome of this election. West Australians have started to line up at polling booths across the state to cast their vote, but about half of all voters made their choice about who should lead the country before today.

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