Aspen Medical

2022 - 5 - 2

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Image courtesy of "TV Blackbox"

The medical company that cashed in big on COVID – Tonight on ... (TV Blackbox)

On Monday, Four Corners investigates Aspen Medical, the health contractor hand-picked by the federal government for lucrative contracts worth more than a ...

It is replayed on Tuesday 3rd May at 11.00pm and Wednesday 4th at 10am. “Where’s the accountability? The COVID-19 pandemic has taken millions of lives and cost trillions of dollars, but for some it’s been a golden opportunity.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Aspen Medical was given more than $1 billion in government PPE ... (ABC News)

Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote and signed a glowing letter of commendation for a politically connected healthcare company while it was in the midst of ...

Mr Perera confirmed he had never worked in the health sector and said that he had nothing to do with Aspen Medical. He had worked as an agent for EN-Projects, he said. In a report to parliament, EFIC said it made the commitment on the basis that the company had been hired to "supply equipment and associated medical design and infrastructure for the hospital". It was part of 4.3 million euros and $US537,000 ($759,000) remitted, in total, to the offshore company by Aspen Medical, EN-Projects and German company Juga Bau GmbH, which police "suspected … is a derivative or a result of an illegal activity". The company's statement said its subcontract with EN-Projects, a Dutch company running the project, "covered the provision of a range of hospital engineering services" and that it had "engaged over 20 suppliers". Mr Hunt's spokesman said it was "written to support Aspen Medical in tendering for work in the United States and is appropriate for Australian firms assisting in international activity". Aspen Medical told Four Corners it had a "successful track record of procuring medical goods and equipment, including PPE, in support of our health solutions" throughout Australia and overseas. In a statement to Four Corners, Aspen Medical said that throughout February it was filling "initial smaller orders placed with us by the Department of Health for PPE … not pursuant to a contract", which "began increasing in size". "So it is extraordinarily unusual and, in fact, dangerous for a minister — or in fact for a public servant — to actually have any contact, any engagement, and certainly to write a letter of this kind." He said the fact that Mr Hunt signed it while the government was in talks with Aspen Medical was remarkable. The letter from Mr Hunt, under the Commonwealth government crest, described Aspen as, "a world-recognised, nationally awarded company" and "a trusted supplier of … health services to the Australian government". "Here we have a minister in charge — or who's a minister assisting in the area of the public service — writing a letter, which is highly dubious, undated, fulsome, to 'Whom it may concern'," Mr Duckett said. Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote and signed a glowing letter of commendation for a politically connected healthcare company while it was in the midst of negotiations with his department for lucrative multi-million-dollar PPE deals.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

How Aspen Medical got 'paid access' to politicians before it made ... (ABC News)

Mr Walker said he believed that Mr Hunt and Dr Wooldridge are close friends. "I know Michael Wooldridge has introduced me to Greg Hunt, and he and Michael have ...

In February 2017, an Aspen Medical nurse arrived at a cell with a resuscitation kit that had not been properly checked and replenished, to treat a woman who was in cardiac arrest. At the time, Aspen was providing a GP for only two four-hour sessions per week. Aspen had previously quoted about $3.2 million a year for the job. It reported errors that ranged from dental work commencing on the wrong patient, to improperly administered medications and vaccines. You have a dinner with the minister, or lunch with the minister. In a statement, Aspen Medical said it was unable to comment on matters concerning the death of Cally Graham because of the ongoing inquest, and it did not answer several other questions that concerned its wider performance at the prison. Dr Wooldridge served on Aspen Medical's board on and off until 2019. He did not respond to questions from Four Corners. Defence was alarmed at how short-staffed some of its Aspen clinics were, and at the calibre of some of the people the company had recruited. He also said the commendation letter was "written to support Aspen Medical in tendering for work in the United States and is appropriate for Australian firms assisting in international activity". "It's paid access. The former chairman and co-founder of Aspen Medical has revealed how the company obtained access to senior ranks of the Coalition government by participating in political fundraising and appointing a former Liberal cabinet minister to its board.

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Image courtesy of "ABC"

Profiting from the pandemic (ABC)

Four Corners investigates Aspen Medical, the health contractor hand-picked by the federal government for lucrative contracts worth more than a billion dollars.

LINTON BESSER, REPORTER: Following the end of the Defence contract … Aspen Medical was looking for new opportunities. There's no question that there is an industry around trying to exploit as much money as you can often at the expense of the misery and suffering of others. LINTON BESSER, REPORTER: The nurse denied this evidence. And we were unable to provide it to the extent as required inside the contract because the funding wasn't there for it. She was absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of work she needed to do. And at the time it was made apparent that the customer was not happy with the way we were going about our business. Aspen Medical is a donor to the ALP too. They were the basis of the contract and, and that's what was contained within the contract. Just a few years ago, Aspen Medical was in the red, but in just two years it's secured $1.6 billion dollars in revenue. STEPHEN DUCKETT, SECRETARY, COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1994-96: Here we have a minister in charge or who's a minister assisting in the area of the public service writing a letter, which is highly dubious, undated, fulsome, "to whom it may concern". We've got no idea, neither does he, in what context Aspen Medical would use this letter. You have a dinner with the minister, or lunch with the minister, I mean, it costs you money. Profiting from the pandemic, reported by Linton Besser, goes to air on Monday 2nd May at 8.30pm. It is replayed on Tuesday 3rd May at 11.00pm and Wednesday 4th at 10am.

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Image courtesy of "Get India News"

Is Aspen Medical Affiliated With Greg Hunt? $1 Billion Donation ... (Get India News)

While his division was in agreement with him for financially rewarded multi-dollar PPE proposals, Hunt drafted and signed a nice letter of praise for a ...

The corporation has had a tight connection with top government officials and the parliamentary Liberal Party for more than 10 years. He is a member of the Liberal Party and has served in the House of Representatives since the month of November 2001, representing the Division of Flinders in Victoria. Since the month of March 2020, Hunt has been in charge of Australia’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak. The Minister Of Health, Greg Hunt, has congratulated Aspen Medical for their hit and successful parliament-related aggregate events.

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Image courtesy of "The RiotACT"

Aspen Medical responds to Four Corners report on government PPE ... (The RiotACT)

Canberra medical services success story Aspen Medical has responded to an ABC Four Corners report that details how the company...

“Aspen Medical is the only company in the world to be certified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as an Emergency Medical Team for infectious disease outbreaks and trauma surgical operations,” it said. Aspen Medical told Four Corners it had not received “any requests from any government agency or court of law anywhere in the world” regarding the hospital project but would support any such inquiries. Aspen Medical said in a statement to Region Media that it had requested the letter to support Australian exports in health services to other international governments. Aspen Medical said in its statement that the pandemic created an unprecedented set of circumstances in the health sector and across global and domestic supply chains. According to Four Corners, the undated letter from Mr Hunt, under the Commonwealth Government crest, addressed to ‘whom it may concern’ and signed in late February, described Aspen Medical as “a world-recognised, nationally awarded company” and “a trusted supplier of … health services to the Australian Government”. Four Corners also says that Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote and signed a glowing reference for Aspen Medical while it was involved in negotiations with the department on the PPE deals, eventually clinched without a public tender.

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Image courtesy of "Michael West News"

Friends where it matters: Aspen Medical's contract came out of ... (Michael West News)

If there ever was a crony capitalist creation of the Coalition, it's Aspen Medical. In its frankly catastrophic career of disaster profiteering, ...

In 2020, Aspen Medical was given a $1.3 billion contract to supply face masks to the Federal Government despite having no experience in large-scale procurement reports the ABC. Of that, $1.3 billion came from a single tender for face masks made in 2020. Since 2010, the self-styled ‘’global provider of guaranteed, innovative and tailored healthcare solutions’’ has received $1.8 billion in federal government tenders.

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