Josh Frydenberg

2022 - 5 - 1

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Image courtesy of "The Age"

Kooyong contest turns ugly as Josh Frydenberg 'misquotes ... (The Age)

Independent candidate for Kooyong Monique Ryan accused the treasurer of misquoting her frail 87-year-old mother-in-law. · Frydenberg rejected Ryan's claim, ...

“The intensity of the Treasury portfolio is amazing and he has handled it extremely well. Before Frydenberg spoke at the launch, a number of locals gave speeches in support of the treasurer. He added that this was against the interests of Kooyong voters, who have never elected a Labor MP. Former opposition leader Andrew Peacock was also a member for Kooyong. Former prime minister John Howard said on Sunday Frydenberg would “win comfortably”. About $1.4 million had been raised from 3000 donors, she said, and her campaign will be topped up with funding from the Climate 200 fundraising vehicle run by Simon Holmes a Court. I said ‘thank you very much’.” Asked earlier on Sunday whether it was offensive to draw Ryan’s relatives into the campaign, Frydenberg said “absolutely no”. At the high-energy launch, where Frydenberg acknowledged his seat was in danger and implored his supporters to harness the “power of the dark blue” to win, he told a story of running into a woman near a cafe who said she was voting for him. The treasurer’s electorate of Kooyong has been the seat of Liberal royalty. And we know the Liberal Party represents the values and ideals of the quiet Australians.” “This is the choice. It’s behaviour like that that has turned so many people in Kooyong away from Mr Frydenberg and the Liberal Party.” “She is a frail 87-year-old lady who should not have been brought into the public spotlight in this way.

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Tennis star's swipe at Frydenberg event (

Former tennis ace turned state Liberal candidate Sam Groth has officially launched Josh Frydenberg's Kooyong campaign by taking a dig at the independent ...

Dr Ryan is a paediatric neurologist at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital who is running largely on a platform of climate change action. “(They) are frustrated and disaffected with the Liberal-National Party government. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is what’s at stake in the upcoming election. He claimed that outcome would be against the interests of Kooyong voters, who have never elected a Labor MP. I’m up against a political party. “I’m not up against a true independent.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Bizarre moment at Liberal rally: bird man: Josh Frydenberg (Daily Mail)

In what will probably go down in political history as one of the most bizarre ever incidents at a Liberal Party launch, one of Josh Frydenberg's supporters ...

'I know the Liberals will win because of Josh,' he said. I'm up against a political party.' - The Treasurer claims he is the underdog in battle for the seat of Kooyong

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Image courtesy of "The Shovel"

Josh Frydenberg thanks the 60 billion people who attended his ... (The Shovel)

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has personally thanked each of the 60 billion local residents who came to show their support at his Kooyong campaign launch ...

Mr Frydenberg says it is basically the same and is nothing more than a rounding error. “Just imagine if we’d had a hung parliament during the vaccine rollout, or the AUKUS negotiations, or Robodebt, or the bushfires, or the floods. Frydenberg warned that a vote for independents was a vote for chaos and disorder.

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Sign election contest has turned ugly (

The 87-year-old mother-in-law of pro-climate independent Monique Ryan has been dragged into the increasingly bitter election fight for the seat of Kooyong.

“I would support whichever of the major parties was willing to come to the table on what the people of Kooyong want,” she said “She did say that she was intending to vote for him but she does not recall the rest of that conversation,” Dr Ryan told the ABC. But Dr Ryan said her relative believed she had been “misquoted” in some of her conversation with the Treasurer.

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