
2022 - 4 - 27

Building social-emotional learning with Prodigy - SPONSOR ... (Education Week)

Fun can be a very powerful motivational tool in the classroom. Digital game-based learning (DGBL) has steadily grown in popularity as teachers work ...

The more the students play, the more confident they could become and the more motivated they could be to continue learning. As students play the curriculum-aligned Prodigy Math and English games, they are motivated by the engaging video game-like ecosystems and building their confidence through finding success as they learn. Self-awareness is defined as the ability to “understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts” with indicators such as identifying one’s own emotion (such as confidence) and self-efficacy. Self-management is the ability to “manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations to achieve goals and aspirations” and includes indicators such as exhibiting self-motivation. Additionally, in a 2021 survey with more than 2,200 parent and teacher responses, 96% surveyed said they were satisfied with the educational impact of Prodigy Math. To drive this, Prodigy employs an adaptive algorithm to automatically detect students’ strengths, find their areas of need and keep them in their zone of proximal development.

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