Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

2022 - 3 - 30

senator concetta fierravanti wells senator concetta fierravanti wells

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Image courtesy of "The Sydney Morning Herald"

Senator's grenade reveals growing anger within Liberals over ... (The Sydney Morning Herald)

Less than two hours after the federal budget was released, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells set off a political firestorm in the Senate.

He has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage. He is a bully! He is a bully because I have experienced it myself. “This is not a Prime Minister for the people. Morrison tops the list, followed closely by Hawke. Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister and Hawke certainly is not fit to be a minister,” she told the chamber. One Nation leader Pauline Hanson backed Senator Fierravanti-Wells on Wednesday by saying she had given much to the Parliament and Mr Morrison had “blackmailed” people on the issue of vaccination.

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Image courtesy of "Bega District News"

Scott Morrison tries to downplay explosive speech by Liberal ... (Bega District News)

Scott Morrison has dismissed out-going Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' brutal character assessment.

She has an interest in integrity, leadership and social equity. She has an interest in integrity, leadership and social equity. Karen Barlow is ACM's Chief Political Correspondent. Working in the federal press gallery, she investigates and writes about federal politics and government.

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Image courtesy of "The Young Witness"

Morrison responds to Lib senator lashing him as manipulator, bully (The Young Witness)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has responded to an outgoing Liberal senator's allegations he is "ruthless", "lacking a moral compass" and a manipulator who ...

Morrison, his cronies and the Liberal establishment in NSW had destroyed a good young man." "They want to leave. "After the selection, Towke joined my staff, he subsequently also sued the newspapers for defamation. Those comments do say a lot." "In my public life, I have met ruthless people. Morrison tops the list followed closely by [Immigration Minister Alex] Hawke. Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister, and Hawke is certainly is not fit to be a minister."

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Image courtesy of "The Sydney Morning Herald"

Morrison a 'bully' who's not fit to be PM, outgoing Liberal senator says (The Sydney Morning Herald)

Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has described Prime Minister Scott Morrison as an autocrat and a bully with no “moral compass”.

“Morrison is not interested in the rules-based order, it is his way or the highway - an autocrat, a bully who has no moral compass,” she said. “His actions conflict with his portrayal as a man of faith; he has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage,” she said. “We learnt the leader [of] his Hillsong Church group was a mentor to Morrison ... Houston recently stood down as head of Hillsong because he was charged with sexual offences,” she said. “Morrison is not fit to be prime minister,” she said. “And Hawke certainly, is not fit to be a minister.” Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has savaged Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a late-night Senate speech, describing him as an autocrat who is not fit to be leader, a bully with no “moral compass” and someone who uses his faith for marketing purposes.

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Image courtesy of "Sky News Australia"

Liberal Senator condemns Morrison 'bullying' claims (Sky News Australia)

Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes has rushed to the defence of Scott Morrison and hit back at Concetta Fierravanti-Wells after she claimed the Prime Minister ...

"In my public life, I have met ruthless people. New to Flash? Try 1 month free. Stream more on politics with Flash. 25+ news channels in 1 place. “She has been given by the Liberal Party a very long career in the Senate and I think as most people who got out of this place and do so with dignity, they should be very grateful to the Liberal Party for the career that they’ve had. Ms Hughes said allegations that Mr Morrison was an “autocrat” within the state Liberal Party “do not reflect the man that I know”, adding that Ms Fierravanti-Wells would not have made the speech had she recently won pre-selection. Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes has rushed to the defence of Scott Morrison and hit back at Concetta Fierravanti-Wells after she claimed the Prime Minister was a “bully who has no moral compass”.

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Image courtesy of "Hunter Valley News"

Scott Morrison tries to downplay explosive speech by Liberal ... (Hunter Valley News)

Scott Morrison has dismissed out-going Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' brutal character assessment.

She has an interest in integrity, leadership and social equity. She has an interest in integrity, leadership and social equity. Karen Barlow is ACM's Chief Political Correspondent. Working in the federal press gallery, she investigates and writes about federal politics and government.

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Image courtesy of "The New Daily"

Outgoing Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells lashes Scott ... (The New Daily)

An outgoing Liberal senator has unleashed on Prime Minister Scott Morrison, branding him a manipulator who uses his faith as a "marketing advantage".

Morrison, his cronies and the Liberal establishment in NSW had destroyed a good young man.” “They want to leave. “I know Connie’s disappointed that on the weekend 500 members of the Liberal Party went to a preselection and they didn’t select Connie,” Mr Morrison said. “It comes with the job. “After the selection, Towke joined my staff, he subsequently also sued the newspapers for defamation. Senator Fierravanti-Wells said the actions of Mr Morrison and Mr Hawke had led NSW Liberal members to lose faith in the Prime Minister’s leadership and the party.

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PM responds to wild 'bully' attack (

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken out after he was savagely attacked by outgoing Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.

He has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage.” “We respect the decisions of the membership of the party, and from my own personal experience, Scott Morrison has been a very good partner,” he told ABC Radio. “There is a putrid stench of corruption emanating from the division,” she said. “He is adept at running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds, lacking the moral compass and having no conscience,” she said. She went on to suggest members of the party were “despairing” at their prospects at the upcoming election and could turn away from the party. “There is a very appropriate saying here – the fish stinks from the head,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells told senators.

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Image courtesy of "The Australian Financial Review"

Scott Morrison labelled an “autocrat” and a “bully” by Concetta ... (The Australian Financial Review)

Scott Morrison's post-budget sell has been derailed by a vicious personal attack from Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, who labelled the Prime ...

“The Constitution was trashed. He has used his so- called faith as a marketing advantage.” Sign up to our Election Brief newsletter. Followed closely by (Immigration Minister Alex) Hawke,” she told the Senate after the Coalition handed down its budget on Tuesday night. She was very happy at that time. Morrison tops the list.

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Image courtesy of "9News"

PM rejects 'bully' claim after Liberal Senator's ferocious tirade (9News)

Concetta Fierravanti-Wells called her leader an "autocrat" and a "bully who has no moral compass" in a 10-m...

"He is adept at running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds, lacking a moral compass and having no conscience," she said. "Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister and Hawke certainly is not fit to be a minister." "Having lost by a handful of votes last Saturday, and having analysed the data, numbers tell their own story," she said. She also took aim at the "putrid stench of corruption" in the NSW Liberal Party and accused the Prime Minister of working with close ally Alex Hawke to contrive a preselection "crisis" in the party. He said he encouraged Senator Fierravanti-Wells to take any "real complaints" she had to the State or Federal Liberal Party, which had processes in place to ensure she was heard. Prime MinisterScott Morrisonhas said that "of course" he does not agree with outgoing Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells claims that he is a "bully", after she ripped into him in what would likely be one of her last speeches in Parliament.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells labels Scott Morrison 'a ... (ABC News)

Outgoing Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells takes aim at Prime Minister Scott Morrison, describing him as "a bully with no moral compass" who ...

"There is a putrid stench of corruption emanating from the New South Wales division of the Liberal Party," she said. Senator Fierravanti-Wells described her demotion in preselection as "dodgy" and accused Mr Morrison of having a hand in various political manoeuvres within the party over decades. - The outspoken right-wing senator called Mr Morrison "a bully who has no moral compass"

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Scott Morrison labelled an 'autocrat and bully who has no moral ... (The Guardian)

Senator, who has been relegated to an unwinnable spot on the Liberal party's NSW upper house ticket, says in parliament 'the fish stinks from the head'

And Hawke certainly is not fit to be a minister.” They want to leave,” Fierravanti-Wells said in the Senate. Her comments come as Morrison is expected to call a general election in the coming weeks. Morrison is not fit to be prime minister. “They don’t like Morrison and they don’t trust him. “Morrison is not interested in rules-based order.

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Image courtesy of "PerthNow"

Scott Morrison described as 'autocrat and a bully' by Senator ... (PerthNow)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken out after he was savagely attacked by outgoing Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.

He has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage.” “There is a putrid stench of corruption emanating from the division,” she said. “He is adept at running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds, lacking the moral compass and having no conscience,” she said. “There is a very appropriate saying here – the fish stinks from the head,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells told senators. “It is his way or the highway. “He is a man that says he will do it my way or no way.”

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Tame's savage four-word swipe at PM (

Grace Tame has taken aim at Scott Morrison with a blunt four-word tweet, just hours after veteran Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells blasted the ...

“The concept of mean girls is not confined to one political party. It is dependent on hypocrisy.” “He is adept at running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds, lacking the moral compass and having no conscience.” “This dossier of anecdotes was weaponised and leaked to the media to the point where Towke’s reputation was destroyed.” Stream more property news live & on demand with Flash. 25+ news channels in 1 place. New to Flash? Try 1 month free. “While professing to be a man of faith and claiming the Centre Right status, Morrison is a product of the Left having worked for Bruce Baird. In her blistering late night attack, the NSW senator unloaded on the PM and the NSW Liberal Party, suggesting the “stench of corruption” now emanated from the organisation. “My past is only relevant to the extent that I have seen — in fact I have worn — the consequences of civility for the sake of civility.” “Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister and Hawke certainly is not fit to be a Minister.” “He is adept at running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds, lacking the moral compass and having no conscience.” Addressing the Senate on Tuesday night Senator Fierravanti-Wells used parliamentary privilege to call Mr Morrison an “autocrat and a bully” who “backstabbed his enemies and lacked “a moral compass”.

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Image courtesy of "OUTinPerth"

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells unleashes on PM Scott Morrison (OUTinPerth)

Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells says Scott Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister describing him a backstabber, autocrat and bully.

“I know Connie is disappointed, having lost the preselection of some 500 members on the weekend,” the Prime Minister said this morning on the ABC’s AM program. “Our members do not want to help in the upcoming election. They continue to despair at our prospects at the next federal election, and they blame Morrison for this. He has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage.” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said. They don’t like Morrison and they don’t trust him. The Liberal senator made her claims in parliament on Tuesday night.

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Image courtesy of "The Canberra Times"

Concetta Fierravanti-Wells says Scott Morrison 'not fit to be PM' in ... (The Canberra Times)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has responded to an outgoing Liberal senator's allegations he is "ruthless", "lacking a moral...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Scott Morrison dismisses veteran Liberal senator Concetta ... (ABC News)

The Prime Minister dismisses Concetta Fierravanti-Wells's claim he is a bully with no moral compass, saying the senator is simply "disappointed" her time in ...

"I think those comments do say a lot, and the Prime Minister, who has been quick to talk about the need for reviews and the need for inquiries, I await his response." "[Mr Morrison] and his consigliore, Alex Hawke, have deliberately contrived a crisis in New South Wales through a year of delays in not having selections," Senator Fierravanti-Wells told the Senate. Senator Fierravanti-Wells accused the Prime Minister and his factional ally, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, of "having ruined the Liberal Party in New South Wales by trampling its constitution". The basis for her criticism was the delay in key preselection battles, which led to a court battle and the federal executive of the Liberal Party intervening in the process. - She accused him and the Immigration Minister of "having ruined the Liberal Party in New South Wales" "His actions conflict with his portrayal as a man of faith," Senator Fierravanti-Wells told the upper house.

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Image courtesy of "The Canberra Times"

Scott Morrison tries to downplay explosive speech by Liberal ... (The Canberra Times)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has dismissed out-going Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' brutal character assessment as the actions of a colleague ...

She has an interest in integrity, leadership and social equity. She has an interest in integrity, leadership and social equity. Karen Barlow is ACM's Chief Political Correspondent. Working in the federal press gallery, she investigates and writes about federal politics and government.

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Image courtesy of "Hunter Valley News"

Scott Morrison tries to downplay explosive speech by Liberal ... (Hunter Valley News)

Scott Morrison has dismissed out-going Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' brutal character assessment.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Concetta Fierravanti-Wells gave Scott Morrison a budget night shock ... (ABC News)

Budget nights are typically carefully choreographed affairs but Tuesday night's routine involved an unexpected cameo followed up by a significant ...

The cheaper fuel and cash hand-outs set to flow in the weeks leading up to the election should give the government some political benefit. An extra $2 billion has been handed to the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility in the budget, even though it hasn't spent its existing $5 billion allocation. It's unclear whether the new port would be purely for industrial use. In other words, it's entirely up to the senator to go through the formal channels. Once, this might have been dismissed as a parting dummy spit from someone whose disdain for the Prime Minister is well known. The Labor leader has spent the past few weeks on the defensive over allegations the late senator Kimberley Kitching was bullied.

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Image courtesy of "The Sydney Morning Herald"

Critics of 'forceful' Morrison consumed by personal grievances ... (The Sydney Morning Herald)

Former PM John Howard said he strongly supported the right of Liberal Party members to choose candidates.

He was previously deputy editor of The Sun-Herald and a federal political reporter in Canberra.Connect via The changes that were made to the package the public voted for in 1998 weakened it - taking food and other services out. However, he told the Property Council event that tax reform was unfinished business and the country was still too reliant on income taxes. Mr Howard would not comment on Mr Hawke or the particular circumstances but said: “It’s very desirable to get selections done with the minimum possible delay. Forceful? Well, anybody who gets to be the leader of a political party is forceful.” You won’t really know that until you’ve had the election.”

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'Absolute bully': Lambie slams Morrison (

Independent senator Jacqui Lambie says she has “no doubt” that Scott Morrison is an “absolute bully”.

“(Senator Fierravanti-Wells) is one of the top performers. Good on her.” This comes down to personal differences. “Connie is a person of great capability. Good on her, I imagine she’s been seething for a long, long time. “Connie is a dear friend of mine, that’s longstanding.

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Image courtesy of "Sky News Australia"

ALP should give Fierravanti-Wells 'bonus as a gesture of goodwill' (Sky News Australia)

The magnificent mixed martial arts fighter Thug Nasty once revealed that he always wore his boots on the plane in case he had to take down a few terrorists.

Suddenly Labor’s biggest Achilles heel — the alleged awful treatment of its own Kimberley Kitching — got a new lick of paint. If Fierravanti-Wells isn’t already on the ALP payroll the party should at least give her a performance bonus as a gesture of goodwill. However the ALP should be very careful where it goes from here. It is difficult to recall an instance in living memory when a politician has caused such deliberate, comprehensive and cruelly timed damage to their own party or staged such a public moral execution of their leader. Stream more local news live & on demand with Flash. 25+ news channels in 1 place. New to Flash? Try 1 month free.

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Image courtesy of "Crikey"

Grace Tame holds Australian media to account over Fierravanti ... (Crikey)

The former Australian of the Year has questioned why the departing senator's takedown of Morrison hasn't been more widely reported.

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Image courtesy of "The Australian"

'It's sad': Peter Dutton hits out at Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' attack on ... (The Australian)

Senator Fierravanti-Wells will not contest the next election after she was placed in an unwinnable position on the NSW senate ticket and blamed Mr Morrison and ...

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